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Christians have been worshipping in Hendon for over 1000 years. Today Hendon is a busy and diverse North London suburb, in which we try to lead lives shaped by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Week by week, and day by day, we meet to worship in our two churches: St Mary’s, on Church End at the top of Greyhound Hill, and Christ Church, Brent Street.
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Candlemas and Christingle on Sunday 2nd February at St Mary's at 9.30 and Christ Church at 11.30.
Drop-in Cafe on Thursday 30th January from 11.00-14.00 at St Mary's. More information here.
Open Church on Saturday 1st February at St Mary’s from 12.00-16.00. More information here.
Handel's Messiah on Friday 11th April at St Mary's (tbc) directed by Richard Morrison with our choir & junior choir.
Time for Jesus on Sunday 11th April at St Mary's (tbc) performed by The Life and Mission choir.
All are welcome to our services and events! :-)
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Messages from our Vicar can be found: HERE
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