Christmas Services

Our Carol Service will take place on Sunday, 20th December at 18.30 at St Mary's. Numbers will be limited due to Covid-restrictions - more information about booking will follow. Social distancing will be in followed and we ask that worshippers wear a mask (spares are available).

On Christmas Eve, there will be socially distanced carol singing in the church yard at St Mary's at 14.30. The crib service will be online via zoom this year. There will be a Eucharist at 18.00 at Christ Church and 20.00 at St Mary's.

On Christmas Day, there will be a 09.00 Eucharist at St Mary's and readings and carols via zoom at 10.30.

Please contact the Vicar for the zoom links and to book a place at our in person services. More information about how to do that will follow. 

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